Economy finished pommel – the different weights are in the descriptions, but basically this:
Cylindrical pommel – 310g / 10.3oz
Scent Stopper pommel – 300g / 10oz
Round pommel – 280g / 9.3oz
Acorn pommel – 262g / 8.7oz
Economy finished pommel – the different weights are in the descriptions, but basically this:
Cylindrical pommel – 310g / 10.3oz
Scent Stopper pommel – 300g / 10oz
Round pommel – 280g / 9.3oz
Acorn pommel – 262g / 8.7oz
Weight | .7 lbs |
Pommel | Acorn, cylindrical, Round, Scent Stopper |
Sword Blades
Flat pommels
Flat pommels
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